Soul-Raising SEA Tour 2024

Increase your levels of...

Inner Power & Fulfillment through 

Mind-Decluttering, Physical+Emotional Healing, Space Clearing & Soul Rerouting to unveil your true Soul Purpose, being free to expand your Harmony and  Prosperity doing what you Love!

I came from Colombia for limited time, so take advantage of this opportunity ;)

Join Giselle's Soul RaisingTour 

Singapore, Apr 26 - May 6, and 
May 9 - 16.
Kuala Lumpur, May 17 - 18

Book  your
Healing Sessions, Space Clearing,

Workshops and Retreats

Act Soonest to avoid disappointment !

You deserve to live a happy and fulfilling life. 

Let's make it happen Together!


Soul Rerouting

Stop Searching Out-side, Let's Dive IN-side-You

Why Soul Rerouting?
When you have done everything Humanly Possible to get out of Repetitive Loops of Behavior, Unfulfilled Business, or Relationships you end up scratching your head, thinking, "What am I not getting"?

As a Leader, Parent, Instructor, Guide, Therapist, Coach, or Business Owner, you can and must set the tone for what it is like living in partnership with your Soul.You and your Soul have an indissoluble partnership, even before birth, and things get clunky when you get off track.  The key is to create balance and fulfill your plan.

I am here to support you:
  • Understand your Unique Soul Path so you stop wasting time, energy, and money on what doesn't serve you.
  • Rerouting yourself: uncover your True Soul Path and take the proper steps to fulfill that path.
  • Soothe your Soul by helping put an end to repetitive past patterns.
  • Get clarity to materialize your Soul's Calling; this translates into ultimate fulfillment and freedom. There is NOTHING material that could compare to this.
  • Be a Source of Inspiration by being in a conscious partnership with your soul.

Ready to Reroute and Make a Difference?

Book and pay for your session/s in advance since there is a limited number of sessions available. 

50 mn US$160.  
Package of 3 US$435 
(same person or family usage). 

90 mn US$200.  
Package of 3 US$540 
(same person or family usage).

WhatsApp Message to: Giselle: +57 3213623107

Venue:  Basic Essence. 501 Bukit Timah Rd, #03-04 Cluny Court, Singapore 

1. Recordings.
2. Follow up Zoom session.

Mind-Decluttering with Hypnotherapy

Good  Mental & Emotional Wellbeing for Children, Teens & Adults.

When all else has failed to get you out of the rut,
Hypnotherapy is the perfect tool because it goes right into the root cause of the issue! 
What can I achieve with Hypnotherapy?
  • ADULTS, TEENS & CHILDREN: Freedom from Abuse (any kind), Anxiety,  ADHD, Bed Wetting, Boredom, Bullying, Demotivation, Depression, Distractions, Fear (any), Fear of Exams, Low self-esteem, Nail Bitting, Nervousness, Obesity, Rejection, Self Harming, Shame, Stress, Suicidal, Sweaty hands and others. 
  • ADDICTIONS (heal from): Alcohol, Distractions, Drugs, Food, Gambling, Gaming, Sex, Social Media, Shopping, Sugar, or Tobacco. 
  • DISORDERS, become Free from:  Anxiety Disorder, Compulsive Control Disorder, Depression Disorder, Eating Disorders, IBS; LGS, Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondria), OCD, BPD, Mood Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, NSIID (Non-Suicidal-Self-Injury-Disorder), Panic Disorder, PTSD.
  • PAST LIFE HEALING: If your issue still lingers or comes back, you may consider Past Life Healing an effective tool when the issue is rooted in past experience. You can learn a lot! These sessions require more time; please book minimum                  a 90-minute slot.
  • RELATIONSHIPS: Be Ready for Love Again, Cheated (currently or was), Break-Up/Divorce (get the skills+courage to take the step and be free from a diminishing/toxic relationship), heal from Painful Break-Up.
  • Speed Physical HEALING: Accidents, Child Birth, Injuries, Insomnia, Operations.
  • Unlock your Inner GENIUS for greater performance: Sports, Career, Competitions, Exams, IPO Listing.
  • MOTHERS: Abortion, Anger/Rage issues, Anxiety, Baby Blues, Bonding issues, Depression, Difficult Child, Divorce, Ex-husband issues, Fear of giving birth, Fear of breastfeeding, Guilt, Miscarriage, Mother-Infant-Bonding disorder, Self Harming, Reproductive problems of system and breast, Suicidal, Trauma, Thyroid Gland issues, Untamable Child or Maid, Weight issues.

If you have done everything to be free from the above mentioned and you still experience the symptom/issue to a lesser degree but you are not 100% free,
that means you can use my help and support.

Book and pay for your session/s in advance since a limited number of sessions are available.

50mn US$160.  Package of 3 US$435
(same person or family usage). 

100mn US$200.  Package of 3 US$540
(same person or family usage).

WhatsApp Message to Book  Giselle: +57 3213623107

Venue: Basic Essence. 
501 Bukit Timah Rd, #03-04 Cluny Court, Singapore.

1. Recording/s.
2. Follow up Zoom session.

Space Clearing

Create the Perfect Environment for Harmony & Prosperity!

Is your Home or Office conducive for Harmony & Prosperity?
  Your Home or Office is more than just walls, furniture, appliances, photos, deco; it is also a combo of your and other people's energy. Did you know that previous tenants or visitors -unknowingly- may have left their Energetic Imprint, and THAT could cause interference that translate in DISHARMONY at all levels affecting you in different ways?

I can you help me when...
  • Other people's energy imprints got stuck on your walls, ceiling, and items, causing interference: Arguments, Discord, Low or Clunky Cash Flow, Energy Drained, or Project Stuck. 
  • You are Losing Money because renting or selling your home/office is taking way too long.  Let's clear your home/office and attract the right new tenant or owner.  
  • Your home/office is built on top of or near: WW2 affected area, Cemetery, Ancient Burial Ground, Hospital, Old People's Home, Psychiatric Home, on in/near a Turbulent Neighborhood.  Or your Neighbors practice Weird Things and you don't even know?  
  • Ever since you moved in experience: Anxiety, Disharmony, Depression, Edginess, Insomnia, Poor Health/Sleep, more Stress  than usual, Tiredness, Uneasiness, Unusual Behavior in your self or family, Worry, Suicidal Thoughts?  We MUST clear your home/office.
  • You experience: Restless Sleep, Nightmares, Weird Dreams, Poor Health, or unusual events.  Your home/office may be attracting undesirable energies. 
  • You want to Energize a stagnant Business, Unlock Legal Issues or Speed Up Unpaid Money. 

If you have done everything to be free from the above-mentioned issues and you still experience the same or the issue to a lesser degree, but you are not 100% free, that means you can use my help and support.

Service includes:

2 Follow-up Zoom sessions, one every two weeks,
to make sure your results are long lasting. 

Book and pay for your Space Clearing in advance since there is a limited number of slots available. 

Charge per Room:

3 Rooms or less: US$150 per room.
4 Rooms and above: US$135 per room.

Package for 2 or more locations or sessions:

US$120 per room. 

US18 per square meter.

DATES AVAILABLE APRIL: Sat 27. Sun 28.  Mon 29.Tue 30.

DATES AVAILABLE MAY: WED 1: 10am to 4pm.  
Thu 2: 10am to 3pm.
**If these dates don't suit you, make sure you message me**

WhatsApp Message to Book: Giselle: +57 3213623107

Soul-Driven Awakened Workshops 



Learn to effectively activate yourself in the Original Source within to transfer that energy into potent and rare Lemurian & Mango Quarts and Emeralds from Colombia, and then into your WATER to recalibrate and re-structure the water you use all the time. 

Singapore friend, did you know that "New Water" carries the ENERGETIC and DNA imprints of previous users, and this can not be removed just by water purification processes?

Enhancing your capabilities as a Crystal Lover and Light Giver is critical so you can help others too.


  • Cut out any possible interference reaching any of your crystals and water.
  • Learn to produce Primal Source Light+Sound+Vibration and keep it into your Lemurian or Mango Quarts and Water.
  • Structure your Water Crystals to enhance your vitality, and overall health.
  • Make your cells vibrate in Higher Resonance.
  • Program and deprogram your inner crystals as well as your physical quartz.


Date, time: Saturday, Apr 27, 11am-12pm.

US$200 per participant.
Venue: Basic Essence. 501 Bukit Timah Rd, #03-04 Cluny Court, Singapore 259760

As a especial thing, you will be able to purchase AAA quality Lemurian and Mango Crystals, as well as extremely rare Colombianites (meteorites), Emeralds and other rare pieces.  

By enrolling you receive a $50 voucher to get Rare and High Quality Crystals :)

WhatsApp Message to Book: 

Giselle: +57 3213623107

Awakened Femininity

Are you frustrated not Expressing Femininity fully?

Ready to benefit from your Feminine Power and achieve more in life?

Do you feel Attractive, Beautiful, and Juicy ALLways?


  • Ditch archetypes and instead, use your natural MAGNETISM to attract your heart’s desire consciously.  
  • Disconnect from negative ancestral behavioral patterns that diminish the feminine power in your ancestral lines.
  • Create a positive narrative for yourself as an empowered woman and uplift your descendants.
  • Embrace your feminine powers and balance your giving and receiving to flow with life. 


Date, time: Sunday, May 12. 8-10 am.
US$280 per participant.
Location: ORCHID GARDEN, Singapore Botanical Gardens. 

Mother's Day Gift: 2 Follow Up Zoom sessions to be delivered upon agreement of dates.

WhatsApp Message to Book: Giselle: +57 3213623107

Awakened Parent #️1
Feelings & Stress Mastery

Be an even more effective ally to your child (any age) by helping understand their Emotions+Feelings and how to effectively deal with Stress instead of ignoring, bottling up, get frustrated or exploding about what they don't know how to deal with.  

Give them proven skills to avoid them getting hooked in Distractions that later could translate into hidden Addictions,  Anxiety, Depression Hikikomori or Erratic Behavior."Intelligent and Skillful Parenting is the foundation for Healthy Childhood that translates into fulfilling Adulthood. The Future Starts NOW".  Giselle Gianella.


  • Learn about the Secret Language of Fear, Anger, Guilt, Boredom, Loneliness and Sadness.
  • Learn how to use Healthy Distraction and how to get rid of Unhealthy Distraction that can lead to problematic behavior.  
  • Understand the Mechanics of Addictions so you can Guide your Child or Teen and avoid serious problems later in life.
  • Hidden Stress in your child may be the reason for Passive-Aggressive or Full-Aggressive behavior, Making up Stories, or not Trusting You.


Date, time: Tuesday, Apr 30, 7-9pm

US$280 per participant.

US$280 per participant.Venue: Basic Essence. 501 Bukit Timah Rd, #03-04 Cluny Court, Singapore 259760.

1. $30 voucher for any other Workshop.
2. 2nd parent or family member pays 1/2.
3. Follow Up Zoom Session.
4. Helper Zoom Session (FOC).

Highly recommended to enroll your Home Helper (FOC): She spends lots of time with your child and, indeed, has a strong influence in shaping your child as a caregiver.

She has to understand the reasons for supporting your upgraded parenting style and not sabotage it because of a lack of knowledge.

For all Helpers, I will organize a separate Zoom training.

IMPORTANTWorkshop #️1 is foundational for workshop #️2.    
If you are unable to attend personally you will receive the recording of the workshop.

Awakened Parent #️2 

Did you know that an unresolved Tantrum can result in trauma or the development of Narcissistic Personality, among other issues?

As a conscious parent you want the best for your child and knowing how to guide instead of getting frustrated or punishing, has a greater effect in your child's development and well-being.


  • What a Tantrum is and how to deal with it effectively to avoid its harmful effects on your child's mental, emotional and social development, and or avoid trauma.
  • Decode your child's Tantrum: Silent, Loud or Violent; be your child's Coach to Peace and Joy.
  • Positive psychology application versus punishment or shouting.  How to calm down and guide your child to understanding.
  • Understand the development of your child's mind and why it is critical that you teach your child to think instead of being driven by unresolved emotion.  
  • Effective method to dissolve a Tantrum and teach your child about consequences and rewards in a way that makes sense for your child. 


Develop a healthy and beautiful relationship with your child.

Date, time: Thur, May 2nd, 7-9pm.

US$280 per participant.

Venue: Basic Essence. 
501 Bukit Timah Rd, #03-04 Cluny Court, Singapore 259760

Workshop #️1 is foundational for workshop #️2.  
If you are unable to attend personally you will receive the recording of the workshop.


1. $30 voucher for any other Workshop.
2. 2nd parent or family member pays 1/2.
3. Follow Up Zoom Session.
4. Helper Zoom Session (FOC).

Highly recommended to enroll your Home Helper (FOC): 
She spends lots of time with your child and, indeed, has a strong influence in shaping your child as a caregiver.

She has to understand the reasons for supporting your upgraded parenting style and not sabotage it because of a lack of knowledge.

For all Helpers, I will organize a separate Zoom training.

Awakened HigherLove


Be an even more effective ally to your child (any age) by helping understand their Emotions+Feelings and how to effectively deal with Stress instead of ignoring, bottling up, get frustrated or exploding about what they don't know how to deal with.  

Give them proven skills to avoid them getting hooked in Distractions that later could translate into hidden Addictions,  Anxiety, Depression Hikikomori or Erratic Behavior."Intelligent and Skillful Parenting is the foundation for Healthy Childhood that translates into fulfilling Adulthood. The Future Starts NOW".  Giselle Gianella.


  • Discern who you let in your Heart.
  • Distill lessons from Past Relationships.
  • Overcome Fear of Making the Same Mistakes.
  • Create Healthy Boundaries not to be Used or feel Neglected.
  • Cut Unhealthy Ties to Renew your Integrity and Become a Magnet for an Aligned partner.
  • Most importantly, get to the Space of Ultimate Self-Love to show your partner how to relate to you on higher ground.

This is a MUST attend this Workshop to elevate your Relationship!

Fulfilling and Uplifting Relationships are meant for you.

Date, Time: Tuesday, May 14, 7-9pm. 

US$280 per participant.

Venue: Basic Essence
501 Bukit Timah Rd, #03-04 Cluny Court, Singapore 259760


1. Recordings.
2. Follow Up Zoom Session.




Awakened Soul+Blue+Print
Spiritual Independence for Soulful Expansion

As an urgent response to "Fashion Spirituality," this retreat includes 3 months of online training, so you won't fall prey to unethical crooks that claim xxx when in reality they only want your LIFE FORCE and money.

Spirituality is not to be "picked" to feel good only; it is the narrow path for the brave at heart like you. This is a path of conviction and commitment, not fooling yourself about the reason why you are here.

This retreat is for those committed to advance their Spiritual Path (any age, any previous experience or none), anyone in the position of supporting and leading others: coaches, instructors, parents and business owners.   

This retreat is the perfect follow up for "Awakened Heart" and "Awakened Me" graduates (any level). 

With utmost respect and integrity, I will guide you to:

  • STOP DEPENDING on external source/s to establish the most crucial relationship: You and Your Soul+Source.
  • Release misconceptions about what Soul and Ego are and how you can transcend the traps of Ego.  Even if you have already received this information, there is always room to learn more and get distinctions.
  • Merging your Soul and Spirit to Primal Source to fully emancipate yourself from this Physical Plane before earthly departure.
  • Learn and discern the SOUL TRAPS given at the time of Soul detachment from the physical body.
  • Understand critical principles that debunk Death.
  • Free your Consciousness from the Collective Consciousness, merging it with your VERY own Soul, Spirit, and Source and not fake copies of them.
  • And more...


  • Claim your spiritual independence and emancipate from spiritual slavery.
  • Cut out interference from Ego, Entities, and energetic parasites.
  • Impact those around you and the environment with your Higher Resonance.
  • Understand why SOULful Human (you) Life Force is the preferred FOOD for Dark Force Entities. 
  • Deal with SOULless Human vehicles and entities effectively, minimizing their interference.  They are literally everywhere.
  • And more... this is why we have our 3 months training due to this topic's intricate nature, can not be treated just as "touch and go" and is coupled with a comprehensive 3 months of online training (June 2nd onward).

It would be unethical and disrespectful to you and your Soul, to say we can sort out "everything" just with one retreat... (rolling my eyes!)

When? Where? How?


Friday, May 3rd, 6 pm to 10pm

Saturday 4th, 6 am to 1pm

LocationVilla Dlina Janda BaikBentong, Malaysia. Shared room setting.

Investment: US$1800.  

Includes: Accommodation (shared room), retreat tuition fee, 2 meals, and three months online tuition and membership site fee US$1,200.

Starting Sunday, June 2nd, 8pm SG, we will meet fortnightly (twice a month) via Zoom! 

See you in class!!


Awakened Sexual Power 
Materialize yourInner-Richness for a Fully Expressed Life!

Regardless of your age, You are a powerful ENERGY MAKING MACHINE, and you innately carry all the potential, richness and resources you can possibly need to fulfill your life/embodiment.  Can you say you are using all these gifts fully?

Sexual energy is the MOST potent energy; it creates life itself, and sadly, not many people have the information, tools, and skills to harness and use it at will to manifest the most fulfilling life experience.
This fact makes people fall prey -easily- to unethical humans who take advantage of them. ( Make sure you read the note posted at the end of this retreat info; must read!).

  • Do you want to create purposefully?
  • Are you willing to expand your existence, impacting others with integrity?
  • Are you ready for Energetic Emancipation?
  • Want to receive proven tools to become and remain interference-free, so you sustain your creation over time?

With utmost respect and integrity, I will guide you to:

  • Use your sexual energy to birth a new project or create an empowered new phase of your existing life project.  
  • Clear and disconnect yourself from any past sexual interactions or relationships that have left distorted information or negative imprints on one or all of your bodies, affecting your stamina, mood, health, or energy.
  • Break free from possible "lover hooks" that affect your ability to establish a healthy and happy love relationship.
  • Understand Lust vs real Healthy Sexual Connection.
  • Cut ties with energetic sexual parasites, viruses, entities, and succubus that sabotage your confidence and human interactions.
  • Free yourself from any bad memories regarding sex, sexual identity, and sexual expression that prevent you from experiencing ecstasy. 
  • Free your Ancestral Lines, yourself, and your descendants from any possible misuse of sexual energy, sexual power, or misconduct. 
  • Heal any misperceptions about your identity as a sexual being, your beauty, and your power.
  • If you use a dating app, understand the effects in your psyche, emotional and energetic wellbeing, how it shapes your behavior and relationships.
  • There is more that we will work on during our three months of online class. 


  • Unlock your true Sexual Power, free from interference, manipulation, or distortions, be even more purposeful creating free of sabotage. 
  • Stop Ego, entities, or parasites to take over your Sexual Energy so you remain more energized, optimistic, resourceful able to take conscious actions in your day to day. 
  • Sustain your Sexual Energy Integrity to strengthen your current love relationship or to connect with the partner meant for you.  
  • Become a magnet for fulfilling relationships, not just love relationships, ALL.
  • Walk with confidence and grace experiencing your unique beauty.
  • Break free from dating apps, gadgets, and sources of distortion.
  • Establish a meaningful and healthy love relationship with your partner.
  • Sharpen your own highest version of your self to experience even more fulfillment throughout all interactions in life.
  • Be a great example for those around you, specially your children regardless of their age.

Due to this topic's intricate nature, this retreat is coupled with a comprehensive three months of online training  (June 13th onward). 

It would be unethical and disrespectful to tell you that we will sort out "everything" just with one retreat

When? Where? How?


Friday, May 3rd, 6 pm to 10pm

Saturday 4th, 6 am to 1pm

Location: Villa Dlina Janda BaikBentong, Malaysia. Shared room setting.

Investment: US$1800.  

Includes: Accommodation (shared room), retreat tuition fee, 2 meals, and three months online tuition and membership site fee (US$1,200).

Starting Sunday, June 2nd, 8pm SG, we will meet fortnightly (twice a month) via Zoom!


Sex, Power, Sensuality, Tantra, Yoga, Manifestation, and "You Can Have It All" have become popular labels that sell well.  You may say "what is the problem with that, Giselle?"...

The problem is: many men and women are being lured and hooked to give their LIFE FORCE (unbeknownst to them), MONEY, and TIME to corrupted SOULful humans or SOULless humans that partner with Dark Entities to take advantage of naïve SOULful Humans looking to build meaningful love relationships, be happy, be financially successful and have the perfect SOUL PARTNER they dreamed of.

Sadly, these people may get a bit or a lot of "that" was promised, only for "that" to be taken away. Then the "coach," "guru," "leader," "spiritual guide," or "master" tells the person: "You are not doing enough," "You are not giving enough $$$/time/devotion," "You are not following the steps quite right," and this creates confusion, frustration, disappointment and/or sadness.  

These unethical, soulless people make their followers put them on pedestals, and then they say things such as:
"I never asked to be recognized.", "It wasn't me who wanted to be in this position; you all chose me."  
I once read a sign outside a "highly evolved spiritual leader": "This is the house where the chosen one was born."

In response to repeatedly hearing about this from several students and clients, I decided not to be an accomplice by doing nothing. 

Just feeling angry about these traps is not enough.

Have you ever checked prices for: Finding your Soulmate, Tantra, Couples, Yoga, and any retreat, e.g., in Bali, that promise participants many "good things"?
Interestingly, as I was researching, I found these to range between US$3,000-$16,000++.  According to some students who participate in this kind of retreats, especially the ones "teaching" Tantra, Sexual Energy Alignment, and Find your Soulmate/Twin Flame, Make your BIZ a success...the retreats they participated didn't have any or much follow up.

I have heard from several students who  got stuck in the same loop of issues that they thought were going to be helped and freed from.  Instead, they started doubting themselves as if there was something wrong with them, when in reality, what was not right was the guidance they received. 

These crooks are not gonna stop, so, I am using righteous anger I felt (I am human too!) as fuel to make a difference by training and preparing you -and anyone willing- well because: YOU ARE PRECIOUS, and no one has the right to mess up with you!

I mean this with my heart and Soul!  

I am here to also support those around you -through you- especially children and young ones who purposefully are targeted left and right to be misled about their sense of identity, sexuality and reason for existing.





Request payment information...

Meet your Instructor

Hello, and blessings to you!

I am Giselle Gianella Gabe, a Personal+Spiritual+Leadership Development Instructor for the highest expression of your Well-being at all levels.

With over 20 years of experience as a Therapist, Master NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapy Instructor, and creator of programs such as "Awakened Heart," "Awakened Femininity" "Awakened Parents," "Aligning You: Us," " Super Detox," and others. Witnessing individuals, families, and companies express their greatness and creating deeper fulfillment and success is a precious gift.

I have designed and delivered impactful trainings, workshops, and retreats in Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, USA, Germany, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and New Zealand, live and Online. Nothing beats the moment when the inner light of my beautiful students and clients ignites to illuminate their lives. Once freed from what held them back, their expansion of Consciousness is a gift they keep for the rest of their lives to share with others.

I look forward to supporting you in living AWAKENED: from your unique Soul+Blue+Print to translate your and your Soul's purpose into the material world for the benefit of many.

Btw, by signing up for the workshops, retreats and/or sessions you are contributing to raise funds to publish  "Awakened Heart", "Awakened Parent" books and "Awakened Heart Game", that couples up with a program to support single moms and teens at risk in Colombia.

Thank you for supporting me support others!
See you soon :)


Real people.

Real stories.

Byron Nifakis / 

Project Management Instructor, Canada

Giselle has a unique gift: identifying the invisible veneer that blocks your way to greatness.  She is definitely someone I trust to learn from and exchange ideas for expansion.  Over the years, I have taken several of her courses and trainings and have benefitted tremendously, not just myself, but also my family.`
Awakened Me Retreat.



Learning to get in touch with my Soul and identify the pitfalls of Ego has supported me greatly in expanding my self as a person and as a spiritual being, thus making a bigger difference in how I impact those I work with.
Awakened Heart Program.

Juliana MattaR / 

CEO, Singapore

The Awakened Heart Program is Leaps and Bounds of Transformation.  Transformation THAT is real & tangible.  I have been able to impact my close relationships and team much more effectively.
Awakened Heart Program.

Doreen Leow / 

Yoga Instructor. Singapore

Receiving tools and support to become a Yoga Instructor has been an incredible experience.  Giselle is incredibly knowledgeable and has helped me to deepen my practices and improve my well-being at all levels. Being able to discern between Soul and Ego's voice is so powerful!  I now live with more confidence about my self and purpose.  Thank you!!!
Awakened Heart Program.



Thank you Giselle for guiding me through AWAKENED ME Workshop!
It was an enriching experience, it helped me understand the deep sadness I was carrying; to  heal my heart, my relationship with myself and with the people around me.
It helped me improved my relationships with others and since then I understand myself, I am grateful to recognize my strength every step of the way.  Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and allowing us to heal through your wonderful creation.
Awakened Me Workshop.

Cherie Tan / 


This program is a journey into self-care. Feeds the soul with so much wholesome goodness.  Bonus point: I received tons of parenting tips that helped a LOT!
Awakened Heart Program.



Thank you for supporting me identify how putting some people in pedestals was affecting me.  What you said on our session really landed, and was affirming that sadly some people in the healing / coaching space are manipulative and unethical.  So thank you for that!!   

I’d love to stay connected as I know you are one of the good guys ;)
Awakened Femininity Workshop.



Thank you for impacting and touching us with your wisdom and love!  Your work and influence will stay with us and move us authentically into action for our clients, communities and most of all for ourselves as Souls in this world.
You have been such a gift to Motion and to all of us that make it.
Aligning You:US, Corporate Training.

Kathy Brook-Wong / 

Healing Instructor. California, USA

Thank you for guiding us to free ourselves and achieve our fullest potential so we can be more effective in serve our students, life and the Greater Good.
New Year New You Workshop.

Michelle Tham / 


Through my sessions with Giselle, she helped me identify and remove obstacles affecting my relationships. As a result, not only has my relationships improved, but so has my health!

Also, Giselle’s parenting tips do work! After introducing her tips to my preschooler, she started to communicate her emotions more clearly, has become more attentive, and cooperative. This has definitely strengthened my bond with my preschooler.`
Therapy Sessions, Parenting Coaching.

Bruno Beaufront / 

Former Comando, France

Before receiving therapy and coaching from Giselle, I had excruciating physical pain and suffered from PTSD; nothing I did worked long term. 

She was able to help me get rid of PTSD and the pain in my body, regaining my inner peace.  

Giselle has been a great teacher, and you can count on her to help you heal your body, heart, and mind.
Therapy Sessions.

Sarah Veasey / 

Former Banker, UK

If you are tired of spinning your wheels and want to learn how to heal and grow, you have come to the ideal person: Giselle.  She helped me heal what others couldn't in more than 10 years of therapy: anxiety, depression, acrophobia, claustrophobia, allergies, fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, miscarriages, emotional trauma, dysfunctional relationships, and spiritual burdens.  It was amazing to decrease the intake of psychiatric drugs until finally not needing them at all!  

As I regained my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing I was able to conceive my 3rd and 4th children and be a fully PRESENT and aware mother, this was moving and liberating. Giselle's support was also pivotal for my whole family transformation.
Therapy Sessions.

Cristina Zapata / 

Former Dean of Science, La Salle University. Colombia

My personal, professional, and health improved when I changed what was blocking my health and relationships. Giselle was spot on, and with her support I was able to decrease the dosage of strong medication I was taking.  I feel am more focused, assertive and confident, I stop taking on more than I could handle at work and that was a huge relief.  
Now I can say: my good health is linked to my empowered self!
Therapy Sessions.



More than a decade has passed by since completing therapy sessions with Giselle -in 2008- to correct scoliosis, doctors told me to 'learn to live with.`

Nothing I did worked, and that was disheartening. Giselle identified the root cause, which wasn't only physical in nature. Her encouragement and deep belief in my ability to heal supported my inner transformation, which translated into regaining my physical health and freedom.

I now enjoy my retirement, being able to fly on airplanes without pain and engaging in activities that in the past were only a dream but now is a reality. Being pain-free is fantastic!'

Therapy Sessions.



Giselle has been an amazing support that helped me navigate a difficult Divorce whilst living in a foreign country, which can make things even trickier. 

Her firm commitment and deep belief in my ability to break through made the difference.  

I have regained my joy, confidence, focus and zest for life.  I have been able to successfully establish myself in the UK and not having to depend on someone else is so amazing! 

Highly recommend you to talk to her, she can help you too.  I am so grateful my sister put me in contact with her.

Therapy  and Coaching Sessions.
